Saturday, June 24, 2006

Heather is a talented young writer from WI who generously featured Babu on her blog.
Heather's niece was visiting from Florida and she is pictured here with her babushka. Do Floridians wear babushkas? Babu thanks you!
Read more from Heather here:

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

If you look very closely
you will see that Babu's
tail is also a paint brush.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Here is the official Cow Parade Promo photo of Babu. If you would like to send a postcard of this darling to all your friends, follow this link:
Click on "cows" when you get to the page. Babu is under the letter B.
Babu's calf pics

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

udderly delightful

More blabbering from the barn...the end of March is near!
My morning after pic... The painting of the babushka was going so well that only a fool would stop. Before I knew it the sun was rising.The tunes were good, the phone wasn't ringing and me and the caffeine decided to let the paint flow. Nothing like a deadline to get the job in high gear!

More notes from the barn: March 2006
This lovely gal has already logged 200 hours of my time! I often spent large blocks of time painting and felt like I accomplished very little. These cows are life size folks and full of curves! ("Real gals have them" and Babu is no exception.) It isn't easy painting on dips and curves, not to mention the crawling around and under legs and udders. In the pic above Babu is about 2/3 complete. Her babushka is primed and ready to be painted. The babushka ties survived the chewing festival of another local four legged creature, an old, blind American eskimo doggie who was not happy about the attention Babu was taking away from him. Doggie survived albeit a sour stomach for several days following...
Note to myself: Pay more attention to dog!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Notes from the barn....March '06
I have spent the last several weeks painting Babu and waiting for the warmer weather to arrive. The clock is ticking and I need to get the babushka project going. I decided I really couldn't wait any longer and turned off the heat and got busy saturating the handstitched babushka with fiberglass resin. It took a whole evening from start to finish. In the pic above, Babu's ears are covered to protect them from becoming slopped up with resin. Once the the babushka was saturated, it was placed on Babu and arranged to look like a scarf would (easier said than done). The blow drier came out to speed along the setting process. Next I allowed the babushka to "set" and cure for a couple of days before I applied the white primer you see above.